(New) Moon Pies

This past Friday, Stephanie G. hosted a New Moon party for the girls, since our boys were at a weekend bachelor's party at the coast. So, we all donned our New Moon wear (I had an Edward shirt and Alice choker), brought our tastiest snacks, and enjoyed the movie and special features.

My food contribution was (New) Moon Pies. I actually really love moon pies: you know, the marshmallow and chocolate cookies that you can buy at the grocery store. I did some searching and found two recipes that seemed to work. I ended up merging the two, since each offered its own take on the moon pie, taking the cookie and chocolate part from the first recipe and the marshmallow filling frmo the second recipe.

They turned out tasty, but really, really sweet. I'd probably adjust some things if I were to try to make these again. Or I might just get in my car, drive to the store, and go down the cookie aisle, where I may purchasee the real thing.

Here's our tasty spread of food. I'm really posting this to show off the New Moon plates Stephanie couldn't resist buying.


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