Tidbits Tuesday

Is it me, or are these weeks flying by?  I can't believe it's already Tuesday.  Another day of piano lessons, and another post about the little things going on in our life here at the Feely's Fresh Nest.
  • Since Chels was home on Saturday, she, my mom, and I had planned to go yard-saling.  They got off to a late start on Saturday though, so I hit a few by myself while I waited to meet them at Farmer's Market.  I was able to find a really great ceramic pot for Chelsea (I was looking for something to put a plant in, but she needed it for sugar, she said), an old tin can (it's cooler than it sounds), and three metal containers with lids which are filling their fine purpose of storing sugars for me.  All for the great price of $6.00.
Have a mentioned I am obsessed with my labeler?  So many uses!
  • It was time to put in bark on the sideyard before those annoying weeds come back.  If you've spent any time gardening or yarding, you know that bark and soil aren't cheap.  We were so excited to find that Tulare County has a compost and biomast site.  We were able to fill up Robby's entire truck bed for...are you ready for this?...$10.00!!!  In case you need a comparison, a small bag at Lowe's costs about $8.00.
  • I made progress on my UIU Make-up Challenge.  I threw away a bag of old and ugly make-up and nail polish and now have one useful make-up bag and a small clear container of extras to use along the way.  I was most excited about this great eye shadow I found in a taupe color, which my mom had given me two Christmases ago.
  • I completely forgot to mention that Robby did a fabulous job on Saturday as he married Bobby and Ali.  This is only his second wedding, but already he's doing it like a pro!  His words were full of truth and love, and I know they were special to Ali and Bobby, as well as all of us there.  
  • I washed our windows -- inside and out -- for the first time yesterday!  I even took off the screens, which has never ever happened before.  Our house feels so bright and sunny now since I had to open all the shades, so we could enjoy the water-spot-free view.  Sad to say, there are tons of streaks, though.  I didn't want to waste a whole roll of paper towels, so I used cloth towels instead, which just don't quite cut it.
  • We had another really encouraging Bible study last night, and I feel like I am growing so much in my understanding of the Holy Spirit's work in my life.  It's exciting!
And off I go!  Have a wonderful and happy Tuesday!


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